I seem to get the most responses and emails when I talk about non-medical things on this blog... when I have a post that shares a little of my personal philosophy. I'm very encouraged that people are inspired, but that's not really my purpose. I'm just sharing what's on my mind and if you can benefit, so much the better.
So lately, I have been thinking about the idea of happiness and what it means. It amazes me that people will spend so much money to try and make themselves happy. I know I've bought things before I shouldn't have--we all have.
So why--right in the middle of being treated for an aggressive CANCER a SECOND time can I remain so upbeat? I figured I would share my own source of happiness and save you a lot of time and money if you care to listen.
First, I know it's a cliche, but you have to know yourself and be happy to be the person you are. Think about it. There is no one out there just like you. With all your faults, with all your shortcomings, you are person that you are. Even if you are an identical twin, you still are your own unique person. (You know the saying, God doesn't make junk!?)
Keep in mind, a big part of "you" has to do with the things that have happened to you. They have helped shape you into the person you are today. We may have similarities, but no two people on this Earth have lived the exact same life.
Once you have an idea of who you are, you have to take a hard look at yourself and your actions, and realize your time on this Earth is limited. This is not an easy concept to come to grips with. Cancer patients are often times quickly forced to do this against their will. After taking a look at your life, keep what works, and then set some goals to work on things that you need to improve. Always keep in mind what you want to be remembered for once you leave this world. (If you have a unique passion or talent, use it!) With each accomplishment, you will grow stronger and stronger. Your life will have a purpose. You will be happy.
So you look around the world and see people chasing happiness in all sorts of ways. Money. Substance abuse. Expectations. Possessions. No wonder there are so many unhappy people.
The secret is to love yourself, and be glad that God has made you the way he has and given you all the things that he has. If you can reach a true understanding of that, nothing will ever bring you down.
Oh---and one more tip to save you lots of money: Unless you have a specific medical condition, if you want to be in shape EAT RIGHT and EXERCISE. You don't need to buy any books, or join Jenny Craig, or for that matter--you don't even have to join a gym. Just eat sensibly, limit your sugar, stay active, and you should be just fine.
Finally, I have a link to "Traci's Fight to Kick Cancer Again" on the links on the side. Traci mentioned me on her blog and I ask that you pray for her as well. She's fighting cancer for a second time as well. Just watch us. We're both going to beat this mess again. In fact, we already are.