Transplant + 10
Great news: My WBC came in today at 0.8. The doctors expect this will continue to rise and I should be discharged probably in the next 2-3 days.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to hear this news. But everything I have been through the past few weeks are still a bit hard to process. For the most part, I feel OK (no mouth sores or anything), but most of the day I do still have that "hit by a truck" feeling where nothing is wrong, just feel rundown. I thought I would be fatigued, or run down, a little, but I guess I had no way to tell just how much this would take out of me.
But there are so many reasons to FEEL GOOD. I made it through the transplant. I made it through treatment for recurrent Burkitt's. I'm NOT dead, I'm NOT dying, and I don't plan on backing my bags for heaven anytime soon.
It's only human to wonder if you are going to make it through this--I always believed that someway I would (I'm a tough guy at heart for those who truly know me). But now the reality sets in that this is just one more obstacle I have encountered to make me the person I am...
I'm also looking at the calendar... seeing it's Oct. 20 and wondering to myself--what happened the past 17 days. Where did this month go?
I always thought with such a long hospital stay, I would be itching to get out of here. But honestly, the nurses have taken great care of me and it almost feels like I'm being rushed out in a few days. ha ha It's just, you think of people leaving the hospital fully recovered, but I still have a lot of recovery to do.
The thought just hit me... I have not been off the 11th Floor of this hospital, or seen trees, or people, or anything. Wow, I really have been reborn again and will never be the same person as before this experience.
My view of the construction cranes has been OK, but I am looking forward to jumping back in the "real world" as a new man.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to hear this news. But everything I have been through the past few weeks are still a bit hard to process. For the most part, I feel OK (no mouth sores or anything), but most of the day I do still have that "hit by a truck" feeling where nothing is wrong, just feel rundown. I thought I would be fatigued, or run down, a little, but I guess I had no way to tell just how much this would take out of me.
But there are so many reasons to FEEL GOOD. I made it through the transplant. I made it through treatment for recurrent Burkitt's. I'm NOT dead, I'm NOT dying, and I don't plan on backing my bags for heaven anytime soon.
It's only human to wonder if you are going to make it through this--I always believed that someway I would (I'm a tough guy at heart for those who truly know me). But now the reality sets in that this is just one more obstacle I have encountered to make me the person I am...
I'm also looking at the calendar... seeing it's Oct. 20 and wondering to myself--what happened the past 17 days. Where did this month go?
I always thought with such a long hospital stay, I would be itching to get out of here. But honestly, the nurses have taken great care of me and it almost feels like I'm being rushed out in a few days. ha ha It's just, you think of people leaving the hospital fully recovered, but I still have a lot of recovery to do.
The thought just hit me... I have not been off the 11th Floor of this hospital, or seen trees, or people, or anything. Wow, I really have been reborn again and will never be the same person as before this experience.
My view of the construction cranes has been OK, but I am looking forward to jumping back in the "real world" as a new man.

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