Saturday, October 18, 2008

Transplant + 8

Last night, I felt probably better than I had in sometime...

So it was no surprize when I learned this morning my white count was
up from 0.1 to 0.2. Once that goes up more, I'll really be feeling the

All day today was spent getting a megadose of Rituxian. It took about
8 hours to infuse. If you have been keeping up on the blog--you know
what Rituxuan is.. It goes after cancer cells only and isn't
considered chemo. The thought is if there were any remaining cancer
cells (even after all this) it would kill them.

So the Rituxian has left me a little weak.. But I'm so glad that no
more heavy duty drugs! Just antibiotics and that type of thing and as

I'm waiting for another blood transfusion--I'll be getting more red
cells. The platelets and reds only last a few days so you have to get
more. They should be arriving to the room anytime now. (Room service:
can you send me some blood? Ha)

Hopefully over the next few days, those stem cells will start making
blood cells of their own. It's hard to believe I have been in the
hospital for only 2 weeks--it feels like a few months.