Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Video Update: Day 2 in Hospital...

So yesterday was the first day in. I had my PIC line installed in m y arm (a type of device). I had some problems when they put it in--the same type when my port was put in and taken out a few years ago. My heartbeat becomes irregular, i get sweaty and feel shortness of breath. Not a good feeling.

It seems that I have a "irritated nerve." My thumb and next 2 fingers are numb, but they are keeping a close eye on it and will run more tests if needed. But they don't think this is going to be permanent. I don't have any pain or limited range of motion in my arm.

I took the Rituxian yesterday and just finished my third chemo now. So I still feel fine. I will be on about 3 different chemo drugs for the next few days. They are basically given one right after the other. Right now, I feel great and have a good appetite.

If all goes as planned, I should be out of here by Thursday or Friday.

I'm naturally a little upset about the PIC line/nerve issue. Hoping that it's NOT permanent. But besides that, I give the nurses an "A." Already at one point today, I had 4 people in my room taking care of me. And they are really quick to answer the nurse call button if I need anything.