Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Barium Overload and a Halloween Costume

I had several tests today. MD wanted to redo the CT scan and the bone marrow biopsy.  I had some other tests as well. Seems like there is a test for everything.

I had to drink so much barium for the CT scan. I've had many of these in the past--and the CT machine is actually what detected the cancer was back. The barium today was more than I have ever had to drink.  I even had to take some barium in ways I haven't before, but I will spare you the details on that one. I do not like barium.

I had to wear scrubs instead of a hospital gown for these tests. I had never seen myself in scrubs before. I'm thinking it would make a good Halloween costume sometime. 

Then they did the bone marrow biopsy on both sides. A little discomfort. I will probably be sore for the next few days. It's not a fun test to have done, but it really doesn't phase me. It certainly isn't pleasant, but most people are terrified of these... They actually take out a little piece of your bone. The tech showed it to me. 

Also found out today I will probably be starting chemo on Monday. 

They have a little saying at MD... "there is no such thing as a rare cancer." You see people of all ages, all different types of problems. You would think it would be a depressing place to be, but actually it kind of makes you feel good. Hundreds of people doing their best to handle what life has thrown their way in the best way they know how to....