Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chest Line In

Sorry for the video sync issue.. I tried to upload it several times. Anyone that knows me, knows I am a perfectionist when it comes to video, but you get the idea...

The chest line was placed today. Take a look at the video if you want a closer look. They said I will probably have to have a new one put in when it comes time for the stem cell transplant.

I always seem to have more problems with the lines/ports/etc. then I do the actual chemotherapy. Today after they placed it, I had to get an x-ray. The line didn't go where it should have went so they made me do this breathing exercises as they pushed fluid into it. Then I had another x-ray. That came out OK.

And when they were trying to place it, they had to use ultrasound because the tech said my veins where "deeper" down then she usually sees. (Perhaps because I have put on a little muscle?) She also commented that I have nice collarbones. I always get the most interesting comments from the nurses that are working on me.

They used procaine instead of lidocaine... and I did have the fainting-like reaction again, but it wasn't as bad this time.

Finally, I had to take 2 classes on how to care for it--since I will have to flush it out daily and change the caps and dressing every week. Oh, and you have to cover it up, it can't get wet. If it gets wet or you sweat, you have to change the dressing right away. I'm back tomorrow to take my "test" to see if I know how to do it right.