This morning I went back to the doctor's office to have a CBC (complete blood count). I knew my mouth had been bleeding, but figured it would heal on it's own. The CBC revealed my platelet count was only 15,000. Normal is around 200,000-300,000.
The lab technician told me I needed a platelet transfusion (type of blood transfusion). So I went back to the hospital as an outpatient.
They typed my blood (A-) and then placed an order with the blood bank in town. About 2 hours later, the blood arrived.
The process itself was very simple. It's a lot better than chemo. The fluid in the bag was a yellowish/orange color.. it kind of looked like Sunny Delight or orange juice.
I was 90% complete when I noticed I was itching and the nurse took a look and saw that I had hives. So I had to have a 2nd dose of Benadryl which made me feel like I was rocking back and forth on a ship.
All in all, the experience took all day but it really wasn't a big deal. Hopefully my mouth will begin to heal.
If you can give blood... Please do so. You hear it all the time but it really does save lives. I stop and wonder to myself whose platelets I am now walking around with.