Friday, July 22, 2005

Tough Times

Yesterday was a very tough day. Today, I am doing better but still don't feel very well.

I went to the docs office yesterday morning and everything seemed fine. I came home and around noon I noticed I was getting a migraine headache. (This was much different than the spinal headache I had because lying down did nothing).

I've only had a migraine this bad in my life once and I think I was 15 or 16 and in the 10th grade. My mom had to pick me up from school and on the way home, we had to stop at a church parking lot while I puked my guts out. That may have been over 10 years ago, but I remember that migraine as if it were yesterday.

So back to current day. The pain was so intense I was literally calling on God to save me from this pain.. I just couldn't handle it or do anything. Not too long after, I ended up vomiting and I have never threw up so much in my life. No other word for it but "disgusting." I had vomit coming out of my nose and it was terrible.

Thank God the migraine went away and I didn't feel well but didn't have any more problems the rest of the day.

Today, I feel nauseated again. Trying to keep my spirits up but I am sick of being sick. Enough is enough.

I am back in the hospital tomorrow. I probably will not be home until Tuesday. The great news is that once I return back home, I will only have 6 days in the hospital in mid-August and should be DONE. Please continue to pray for me.