Sorry, I have not updated this sooner.
Yesterday I was at the doc office and had my one year checkup. May 2 was my Burkitt's diagnosis date so that is considered my annivesrary date.
I had a full CT scan last week and everything came back great. The only problem is that I have some type of issue with my thymus gland which is suppose to be as a result from the chemo and will eventually fix itself on its on.
The only side effect I have from this ordeal is a low white blood cell count. It's below what is considered normal, but not enough for me to notice anything or really effect me in any signifigant way.
I have been going to the doc every 2 months.. now it will be every 3 months. Can't believe where I was this time a year ago, and never thought things would be this good a year later....
Yesterday I was at the doc office and had my one year checkup. May 2 was my Burkitt's diagnosis date so that is considered my annivesrary date.
I had a full CT scan last week and everything came back great. The only problem is that I have some type of issue with my thymus gland which is suppose to be as a result from the chemo and will eventually fix itself on its on.
The only side effect I have from this ordeal is a low white blood cell count. It's below what is considered normal, but not enough for me to notice anything or really effect me in any signifigant way.
I have been going to the doc every 2 months.. now it will be every 3 months. Can't believe where I was this time a year ago, and never thought things would be this good a year later....