Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finally relief!!

I am doing so much better today. I just got finished eating a bowl of chicken and rice soup. This has been the first thing outside of Boost and Ensure I have been able to eat in 6 days! I can't explain what a relief it is to be able to have food in your mouth and to be able to swallow it.

Yesterday, the doctor prescribed me some anti-fungal medication for my mouth sores. Last night, I noticed one of the white patches had already shrunk in half. The medicine is amazing. I wish they would have given it to me sooner. Now it feels like I have a sore throat but that is something I can live with and I am sure in a few days that will be gone.

The big thing was that I was running a fever and that made me feel terrible. No more fever. And I have stopped taking the pain medication as well. I am actually able to sit around and watch TV, laugh, and feel somewhat normal. I still don't feel like "myself" but I am a million times better than I was. Thank you everyone for your prayers. They worked.