Monday, June 06, 2005

The Nitty Gritty

I have not been feeling well lately. Sorry for being graphic but let me give you the "nitty gritty."

The mouth sores in my mouth are actually an oral yeast infection. The GOOD bacteria that is usually in my mouth that would kill off such things has been destroyed by the chemo.

My case is very bad. I am still on a liquid diet (5 days now). I finally took a look at my throat this morning and it was disgusting. About 1/2 of the left side of my throat is obstructed which is why I cannot swallow and it's so painful.

I saw the doc today and the nurses. They gave me fluids via IV and put me on an anti-fungal medication and more potent pain pill. I wish they would have given this to me LAST WEEK. Now it could still take 3-7 days to heal.

This is just terrible and I want it to be over. My body has already been fighting and now I have been running a fever, have these terrible white patches in my mouth, and can't eat. I can't really talk much either.. more just grunt.

Please, everyone pray that the new medicine that I am on will work! This is agony and has been the worst part of my treatment so far. Thanks for letting me vent :-)