Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So I'm done with day 1 of the blood collection process ("apheresis").
I won't know until tomorrow how many stem cells were collected. On
average, it takes about 3 days to get enough...

Here's how it works: they hook you up to a machine that seperates your
white cells, red cells, plasma, and platelets. The machine just saves
your white cells ( which contain the stem cells in them).

The process is painless and takes about 3.5 hours. If you have ever
given platelets-- you have probably seen the machine. I will try and
take a pic tommorrow.

Hospital social workers are making calls to try and find me a hotel.
It's a little bit cooler in town, but I am now going on 4 days without
power. You know how fustrating it is to lose power for a few hours.
And no one really truly knows when it will be back...