Saturday, September 06, 2008

Another tour of duty...

I don't have the energy to go into details, but wanted to let everyone know that I have made in back from the hospital again. I didn't have any complications, but I will say this was more challenging than prior treatments and may knock me down a little more, but I'm determined to get back up again.

I can't begin express my thanks for MOMMA who drove over 15 hours to be with me (as if the drive from Texas to Florida isn't long enough) but also had to deal with all the traffic from the New Orleans evacuees that were returning back home. (A bit eerie for me as I was facing cancer treatments when Katrina hit three years ago).

I FINALLY have high speed internet in my new place (I'll have to dedicate a future post to nothing but that ordeal of my internet connection woes). I hope to be posting videos again soon. I was going to post a pic from the hospital room, but quite honestly, I think if I would have people would have been very worried for me so decided not to. At one point, I had put on over 9 pounds of water weight (just within a few days) so my face became very swollen. But it quickly went away.

I'm starting to get used to the whole "bubble boy" concept... having to wear masks and gloves, lots of diet restrictions, that kind of thing. Well--I can't say it's something that I like, but it is, like everything else--temporary.

I also gave myself my first shot today (and will be doing that 2 times a day for a couple of weeks ) to boost my white count in preparation for the stem cell collection.

So I made it through the "mobilization" chemo. I'm back at the hospital Sunday for outpatient Ritixian. Good news is no more chemo until I get the heavy duty stuff at transplant time (probably end of September). And that will be the last time I ever have to have a drip of chemo in my veins.