Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting Better/New Address

Sorry for the delay. And no video this time, I don't have much time to post this...

Last week I was in the hospital and the second round kicked me pretty hard. My main problem was the headaches--I had one that lasted about 6 days and it was terrible. My other problem was general brain fog from chemo and kind of being confused/not able to communicate well. But these are slowly passing. And again, I can't really complain considering all the things I could be experiencing... My mom came to town last week and will be leaving tomorrow but it's been nice having here here with me.

Then today, was moving day, as I finally have an apartment that I will live in until treatment is up. For those who want my new address, send me an email and I'll be happy to pass it on.

The new place doesn't have high-speed Internet yet, but hopefully will in a few days...

Please continue to pray for me, as I am doing very well overall, but still getting over these last treatments. My next doc appointment is Thursday (just to check blood counts) and then next Thursday, I will have another CT and PET scan to see if I am in remission. 

If I can go into the stem cell transplant (probably around September) cancer free, this greatly improves my long term prognosis.